
Health Care for Your Pet Cat

Health Care for Your Pet Cat Pet cat health care may be similar to caring for other pets. But such care may also have its own differences. One of them is that pet cats may suffer from a host of different diseases that other pets may not go through. Here is a list of some feline diseases that pet cats may suffer from at some point. Feline Distemper This disease usually affects pet cats at a young age. Known medically as feline panleukopenia, this type of viral infection lowers down the immune defenses of young kittens by severely affecting the production of white blood cells. This infection can make young kittens pass, liquid stool with blood due to the severe hemorrhaging that happens in their small intestine. Fever may also be expected and will lead the young kitten to become depressed and then refuse to take any food and water. It may seem to the pet owner that the cat has a temperamental personality, hence the name feline distemper. The infection actually has no effect on the cat

When to Call the Vet for Your Cat

When to Call the Vet for Your Cat The most important thing you can do when caring for a vet is make sure that he or she is healthy. When you have a cat, this is very important. Because a cat cannot tell you what is wrong, you must be alert to changes in your cat. Knowing when to call your vet is very important, but it can be hard to know if there’s really something wrong or not.  Knowing your cat’s normal behavior is important. First of all, what are his eating and elimination habits? Some cats eat their meals in one sitting, while others eat bites all day. If your cat has had a chance in appetite, this could indicate a problem. Your cat should also be using the litter box regularly, and diarrhea, constipation, and straining to urinate are all causes for concern. Ever cat is different, so make sure to notice how your cat normally eats and eliminates in order to notice when something is wrong.  Your cat’s daily activities should also be somewhat regular. If your cat is always playing an

Biting the Hand That Pets You

Biting the Hand That Pets You Most cats will simply walk away when they have had enough attention from you.  Others, however, will nip at your hand.  Why do they do this?  You aren’t hurting him, just stroking, so it can get confusing. Some cats become over stimulated easily.  The stroking gets them wound and the bite relieves some of that tension.  Others just never learned that biting was inappropriate behavior.  There is no consensus on exactly why some cats bite and others don’t, but there are some warning signs you can look for that may help you prevent being bit. Watch your cat’s tail.  If the end begins twitching, this is a sure sign the cat is getting irritated.  Unlike dogs, cats do not wag their tails.  Another sign to look for is ear movement.  Every cat owner is familiar with the flattened ears of an angry cat, but by that time, it is too late and you are nursing a bite.  Watch for the ears to start turning to the sides.  This is an indication your furry friend is getting a

Benefits of Playing With Your Cat

Benefits of Playing With Your Cat Playing with your cat is the best possible way to build up a bond between the two of you. She will become more attached and you will feel closer to her. The best way to ensure that your cat does not become overweight is by feeding him correctly with a balanced diet, but exercise also plays a part in keeping your kitty healthy. If yours is an indoor cat, then playing with you may be his only opportunity for exertion and staying trim.  Playing will help your cat to become confident. Also regular play periods, coupled with petting sessions, will get your cat used to human interaction, he will be less likely to shy away and hide, when visitors call.  Playing will help your cat develop his hunting abilities. Hunting is a natural instinct for all cats, a cat confined to indoors usually has little chance to express and develop this instinct. Encourage kitty to chase a toy mouse, allow him to pounce for the 'kill'. This will aid him should he ever get

Basic Nutrition For Cats

Basic Nutrition For Cats Cats are what are known as obligate carnivores. An obligate carnivore is one that must east meat. You cannot just turn her out to graze in a pasture. The digestive tract of cats has been shortened and optimized proteins from meat. They simply don't have the dental or digestive apparatus to process plant materials. It's therefore surprising, given their physical inability to process plants, that you will still find cats nibbling on plants  from time to time. There are many theories for why cats would nibble plants.  They may be trying to balance an upset digestion or add missing vitamins and minerals. Perhaps they simply like the taste. Maybe it's a combination of factors. The jury is still out on this matter. Fortunately these days, we don't have to go out and hunt for food to feed our cats. There are a large number of very good, nutritionally balanced foods available in pet stores to satisfy any cats' tastes. Try to feed good quality food.

Asthma In cats

Asthma In cats Asthma is not only a human disorder, but is also found in some cats.  You should have your cat checked by a vet if you suspect this disorder. Leaving feline asthma untreated can result in permanent damage to your cats lungs and heart.  Feline asthma is an immune-mediated disease characterized by symptoms ranging from infrequent, hairball-like coughing, to sudden onsets of respiratory distress (which veterinarians call "acute dyspnea").  Episodes are usually triggered by an allergen or stress, and can be accompanied or followed by vomiting, sneezing, or even wheezing like a human allergy sufferer. Respiratory signs may be slow and deliberate (more abdominal breathing), to fast and labored.  True asthma, as opposed to bronchitis, normally responds quickly to a combination of bronchodilators, oxygen therapy, and fast acting steroids. Diagnosis is usually confirmed with an x-ray, and possibly a slide cytology of the airway.  Because asthma can mimic other feline di

A Short History Of Cats

A Short History Of Cats It seems strange that there was ever a time when cats were not a part of our lives. It's been less that 10,000 years since cats swaggered into our lives. Hardly an eye blink in the grand sweep of life on this planet. Why were cats so late to join our team? The simple answer is they didn't need us to survive.  Cats were surviving just fine on their own. Then, people invented agriculture. Agriculture resulted in large scale storage of grains which attracted the usual and well know group of freeloaders, mice and rats. Grain attracted  rodents. Rodents attracted cats who consider them tasty meals. The result was that cats set up housekeeping close to human settlements. Eventually, cats being cats, moved right on in. Who were these first cats? The first clue lies in where agriculture was first practiced. Agriculture first took root (no pun intended) in the Middle East in a great sweep from modern day Turkey to Egypt. Within this area ranges the African wild c

An In Depth Look At Siamese Cats

An In Depth Look At Siamese Cats The exotic and somewhat mysterious Siamese cat hails from the country of Thailand.  They had always been a popular breed of cats, some even residing in royal palaces.  Siamese cats, in the past, were trusted to protect royal palaces and monasteries from evil spirits.  These cats were also thought of as bringing good fortune to their owners as well. During the year of 1884, the very first Siamese cats began to make their way to England, when they were given as gifts to a British general.  After that, they eventually made their way over to America.  Now days, Siamese cats are one of the most recognized of the breed.  Siamese cats are without a doubt the most popular short haired cat and among the top 3 in the entire breed of cats. Even though there are several different colors to this breed, some questions what makes a cat a true Siamese cat.  These cats have always been known for their bodies which are lighter in color, with darker areas throughout.  The

And the meows have it

And the meows have it Having a pet could surely help you live a better life. In even the simplest effect, it could not be denied that pets bring this different aura to lives of people and it brightens a home. Any pet may be that secret stepping stone in achieving a certain amusement or comforter but there is something that sets up all these benefits higher, and that is if you choose cats as pets. What is with cats? What makes them so special? Cats would really be great companions and friends. Research shows that having cats as pets could really lighten up a person’s physiological, emotional and psychological side. This is very true. These benefits would really heal the wounds of solitude, age, stress and depression. In addition, cats are affectionate but less demanding, low maintenance and it would surely be very suitable for those who have a modern lifestyle. Cats are confidence boosters. It is believed that people who take care of pets are more likely to be caring than those who are

A Look At Cat Breeds

A Look At Cat Breeds Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves.  In the beginning, they were used for one purpose - hunting and killing rodents.  As the years progressed, we began to breed cats more to our liking.  Now days, there are several different breeds of cats - which you can tell if you look closely. These days there are over 70 distinct cat breeds, which are recognized through cat registries.  There are several registries that will recognize around 40 breeds or so, as they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers.  There are also many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair.  There are some cat breeds who have roots going back quite a bit in history.  Some Japanese breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back more than 1,000 years in history.  These cats were very common and well known throughout Medieval Japan.  Now days though, they are all but a myth throughout Japan and the entire worl

Aiming for Long Term Cat Care

Aiming for Long Term Cat Care If you are planning to be a pet owner, you must be ready for the long term cat care. That is if you are settled on having cat as pet. You must be off to a good start. Everything must be planned in order to avoid future mistakes. Cats will be a nice companion. But you have to understand their needs. First, your cat has to eat. But you can't feed your feline friend your leftovers. It is better to look for the best cat food that can give your pal energy boost as well as good health. You need to allot money for that. You can sacrifice some luxuries to be able to provide for your pet's needs. But that will all be worth it in the end. You will be happy to see your cat happy.  You also have to make sure that the surrounding your cat is living in is free from anything that can cause them accidents. Do not let anything that is lethal and poisonous hanging about. And when it comes to neatness, you have the right pet. Cats are known to take ample time in groo

Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior

Common Meanings Of Cat Behavior A lot of people think that cats work on their own agenda, not paying much attention to their owner – provided they have clean litter, food, and water.  Cats can behave in odd manners at times, which can easily confuse their owners and make it really hard to determine what the cat wants.  As much as cat behavior can be confusing, there are some ways that you can solve common cat behavior mysteries. A common behavior that almost all cats do is push their heads into any type of object that will allow them to do it.  You’ve probably seen your cat do this before, probably against table legs, TV stands, or another object.  This can be noticed more when you have other people who own animals or those with allergies over at your house.  When a cat notices this, he will rub his head against the person.  In doing so, he will put a touch of saliva on the individual.  In a cat’s mind, he owns what he puts his saliva on. By putting his saliva on something, that object

Retirement: Health for your Aging Cat

Retirement: Health for your Aging Cat Age is just a number, right? A Human who is 60 years old may act like a young adult, while another human the same age may at like he or she is on a deathbed. Cats are the same way! Your pet may act like a kitten for many years or may be gray and achy quite young. Specific breed, environment, and genetics play a role, but in general, a well-cared for house cat usually lives to be at least 15 years old. Some cats live to be well over 30.  There are things you can do, however, to provide your cat with the chance for the longest life possible. For example, have your cat spayed or neutered. Statistics show that fixed cats live longer, because this causes the cat to stay closer to home and be exposed to few dangerous situations and disease. Good nutrition is also important. Make sure that you are buying cat food that is appropriate for your cat’s age.  As you cat ages, certain medical conditions may cause you to make special considerations for your cat.

A Basic Introduction to Cat Eye Care

  A Basic Introduction to Cat Eye Care The eyes of your feline friends have often been used on horror films. But if you are a pet owner, you will know that the cat's stare is really the opposite of what's being portrayed on films. That is why you have to know the importance of cat eye care. I Love You How do cats say these words? Through their eyes, of course. That is why you shouldn't be frightened by that gaze. How does this work? First, the cat stares at you for a long while. And after that, it blinks its eyes slowly. Some people tag this as a cat's kiss. But you can also say that this is your cat's way of saying that it loves you. But how do you return the favor? Easy, just follow your cat's lead. Stare at it for a long time and then slowly blink your eyes. See? Cats' eyes can also be used as elements for romantic films. Not a Third Eye Don't believe the horror films you see. Cats don't have a third eye. Their eyesight is really sharper than with

A Coffee Franchise by the Numbers

A Coffee Franchise by the Numbers Franchises often make expensive partnerships though many people find them far less expensive than building a brand new business venture. There are still plenty of expenses that go into building a franchise that are often overlooked until too late. Before you even consider buying into a coffee franchise you need to sit back and take stock of your overall financial situation. Business is risky, even going the lower risk route of purchasing a franchise there is no small degree of risk involved that you will lose your investment and perhaps any collateral you had invested in your business venture. How much cash do you have available to invest in your coffee franchise? Most franchises will require a personal commitment of finances even if you can arrange for a good portion of the costs through financing. The reason for this is that most people are going to work twice as hard when their own money is on the line to make the business a success. It is a sound b