
Cold and your Cat’s Health

Cold and your Cat’s Health Although your cat may have a furry coat, cold weather can still be extremely dangerous. Imagine how you feel after being out on a cold day for more than a few minutes—even with your winter coat, you are probably still very cold. Cats are the same way, and if you leave your pet exposed to the cold for too long, he or she may show signs of hypothermia. In a worst-case scenario, hypothermia leads to death.  There are many different reasons why your cat could become too cold. If you typically let your cat outdoors, remember that he or she will need to come back inside more quickly during the winter. This is especially true for smaller cats, cats with short hair, or cats recovering from an illness. Also, never let your cat outside if he or she is wet, for whatever reason.  In fact, if you bathe your cat or your cat otherwise gets wet, dry him or her immediately if the weather is cold, even if you are indoors. Make sure your cat cannot get outside in any way—your p

Cat Viral Infections and Their Cures

Cat Viral Infections and Their Cures Cats just like humans are prone to sicknesses. In fact, cats succumb to two cat viral infections that will be discussed shortly. The good news is that there is a cure.  These two common viral infections are Feline Herpes 1 virus known as rhinotracheitis virus and infection with the organisms called Chlamydia psittaci and mycoplasma. When a cat is infected, they will experience a fever, have weepy eyes, a crusty nose and sneeze a lot. This can go away with or without treatment but this can come back.  When this happens, the condition is called Feline Keratoconjunctivitis the virus settles in the nerves around their face. Corneal scars can be seen to a little over a centimeter in diameter. This makes it hard for the cat to see and it usually happens due to stresses associated with boarding, weather change, a new pet in the house or as mentioned earlier other diseases.  Things are going to get worse as the outer coating of the cornea will be lost to th

Cat Skin Care Dandruff

Cat Skin Care Dandruff Cat dandruff is common among diabetic cats. A study shows that happens in 1 in 200 cats have what is known as diabetes mellitus (DM) and if you want your pet to get better, here are some things you can do.  The cause of this problem is associated with poor nutrition. So, instead of buying one of those generic brands of cat food, maybe you should change it and go for one of those that are of good quality even if it may cost a little more.  You can also give food supplements that contain fish oil which have proven to correct the dandruff problem.  This may also come from canned tuna since it is rich in Omega 43 fatty acids that will improve their hair in about a week.  The symptoms that will tell you if your cat has a skin care problem like dandruff includes an increase in their appetite, excessive thirst or urination, dehydration, depression, muscle wasting, lethargy, weight loss and an umkempt hair coat that is a direct result of poor grooming.  It gets worse whe

Cats Bonding With Their Owners

Cats Bonding With Their Owners There are a lot of experts out there who say that cats are strictly independent animals.  These very same experts state that cats have chosen to associate with humans due to their strategy of survival.  Although many argue with this statement, there are many who agree as well – although those that agree are normally those in the percentile who don’t agree with cats. Anyone who has owned a cat will tell you that cats are great at bonding with people, although they are very particular.  Normally, a cat will choose someone in the home that he bonds with.  You’ll know when a cat wants to bond with you, as he will hop on your lap seeking attention or snuggle up to you at night when you are sleeping.  Purring is a strong sign of affections, especially with cats that are looking to bond. Although many experts have tried to figure it out, no one really knows why cats choose a particular person whom they will bond with.  It could be the individual’s manners, voice

Cats And Ring Worm

Cats And Ring Worm Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that is found in both dogs and cats.  Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease isn’t caused by any type of worm.  It’s actually caused by fungi known as Dermatophytes that feed on dead tissues found in the surface of the skin, spreading them around the skin of the animal. With cats, there is a certain type of fungi known as M Canis that is found with nearly 95% of all ringworm cases.  Normally, cats will get the ringworm disease from contaminated objects like bedding, clippers, or another animal that already has the disease.  If there are animals in your home or around your house that have the ringworm disease, your cat could very easily contract it this way. If you have kittens or cats that are under a year old in your home, you should always use precaution, as they are more susceptible to ringworm.  Kittens can easily contract the disease, especially if you allow them to go outside.  They can easi

Cats And Feline Diabetes

Cats And Feline Diabetes Cats are one of the most popular pets in North America.  They are loving pets, capable of providing you years of companionship.  Like other pets, cats can sometimes get sick.  There are several different types of ailments that cats can get, one of which is feline diabetes.  Feline diabetes is a serious disease, although it can be treated by a veterinarian. Diabetes is more common with humans than with cats or other animals. The cause of diabetes is actually quite simple.  Sugar, or glucose, is found in the blood.  The level of blood sugar in the body or the animal is kept under control by hormone insulin, which the pancreas produces.  When the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, diabetes is to blame. The symptoms of feline diabetes will vary.  The most common symptoms include an increase in urine and an increase in thirst.  Other symptoms of feline diabetes include a loss of appetite, weight loss, and a poor coat.  An increase in thirst is easy to detect,

Cat Mythology: Cats as Familiars

Cat Mythology: Cats as Familiars Cats as familiars have a long and dark history in western mythology. These cats often found their way into literature. One of the most famous was Grimalkin, the witches' cat from Shakespeare's MacBeth. Cats as witch's companions are still a part of the popular symbology associated with the modern holiday of Halloween.What is a familiar? In western mythology a familiar was an animal companion given by the devil to a witch in order to help her with her evil magic. These familiars would have names just like any other pet. In the middle ages, if you were caught talking to your pet (like a lot of people do) you were considered to be consorting with the devil in  speaking to w obviously your familiar.  The Middle Ages were a very dark and violent period in Europe. Their alternative name "Dark Ages" should come as no surprise. Learning was confined to clergy and nobility. The general population was therefore quite  ignorant and prone to s

Cat Mythology: Cats as Deity

Cat Mythology: Cats as Deity Cats as deities are most closely associated with ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians had several feline gods and goddesses. Lions were said to guard the great god Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld. The Egyptians had a fascination with lions.  They created their sphinx with the body of a lion and the head of Pharaoh. Three lion goddesses existed in ancient Egypt. Sekhmet was a fierce and powerful goddess. She was a war goddess who was sent by her father Ra to earth to destroy his enemies.  She is usually depicted as a woman with the head of a lion. Another lion headed goddess was Tefnut whose name means moisture. She represented a primeval force of nature. The third lion goddess was Mafdet who was the goddess of protection. Among her fierce sisters, gentle Bast may seem a bit out of place. Often shown as a graceful cat wearing bracelets a broad collar and earrings, Bast was the protectress of domestic cats and those who cared for them. He

Cat Care Symptoms that You Need to Know

Cat Care Symptoms that You Need to Know When we experience pain in our bodies, we can easily tell someone that there is something wrong and that person will be able to bring you to the hospital. Pets cannot do that but watching them can tell you a lot of things which is why owners should practice cat care and be aware of the symptoms.  Here are a few diseases you should watch out for and their symptoms. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the most feared disease and in fact is the leading cause of death among cats. It is caused by a coronavirus infection and the worse part is that the symptoms are very common with other ailments so it is really hard to tell.  There is also Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) that is similar to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Just like the human version, it is a life long infection that progresses slowly and kills the cat.   Cats can also in infected by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). It is a retrovirus that causes fatal cancerous and non-cancerous

Cat Care and Health

Cat Care and Health Owning a pet has certain responsibilities. You have to feed and groom it as well as keep them away from various diseases. This is what cat care and health is all about and by doing it correctly, they can live for 10 years or even longer.  Cat vaccinations are the most effective means of fighting a disease. This also prevents the cat from ever becoming a carrier.  Some of the common vaccinations given are for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.  If your cat is given a vaccination, be aware that they may experience some side effects. This goes away shortly even if they develop flu like symptoms or fatigue in the next dew days. In rare cases, the cat may develop cancer where the injection has inserted that may develop in weeks, months or even years. Cats just like humans experience allergies. This may come from pollen, dust, disinfectants and others. If you notice your cat experiencing any symptoms, you shou

Cat Behavior

Cat Behavior Cats are known as solitary animals. They don't hunt communally or share the spoils of a hunt. Sometimes cats with adjoining territories will get together for a pleasant evening grooming session, but on the whole they are not the most social creatures with others of their kind. This general wisdom does not always seem to hold up. My barn cats are a single family descended from a lone female who wandered onto our place one day and decided to stay. She and her children and grandchildren police the local rodent population. Their behavior doesn't always match the solitary hunter of common wisdom. The original female, Patch, used to like to take her kittens for daytrips around the area. I've watched her bring her little brood back from wherever they've been in the evenings. One evening I watched her stop and sit down near the edge of a small, lightly used road running next to our farm. Two of her kittens stopped next to her. As she turned her head one way and the

Cat Sitter Tips

Cat Sitter Tips There will be times in your life when you have to leave home, and you can’t always take your cat with you, no matter how well behaved he or she may be. If you have to travel out of town, it is important to make sure that your cat’s health will be in good hands while you are gone. For this job, you’ll need a cat sitter. When hiring a cat sitter, make sure that you leave him or her with good information about your cats so that you can rest assured that they are safe and healthy.  In the best-case scenario, your cat sitter will be someone that you already know. Neighborhood teens make good cat sitters, as do relatives. You can also call a pet sitting company if you don’t have anyone else in mind. Whoever takes care of your cats, make sure that they are trustworthy and responsible to show up at your house every single day at the correct times. If you have multiple cats or other pets, or if you will be gone for over a week, it may be a good idea to have someone you know hous

Dental Care for Cats

Dental Care for Cats Cat dental care is important to make sure that your pet  enjoys a clean bill of health among other things. Cats also need their teeth to be taken cared of because it can lead them to a lot of other problems concerning their general health. For instance, if your pet cat has periodontal problems, it might not eat well and experience poor health due to lack of the proper nutrients in the body.  That's how important dental care is for your pet cat. Most cats may suffer from a wide range of dental conditions if they are not properly cared for. That is why it is the responsibility of the pet owner to make sure that his or her pet cat follows a regimen of good dental hygiene. It may be work, but it well serve you and your pet cat well in the long run. One of the problems that cats experience with their teeth is plaque. Just like humans, cats also have tartar buildup in their own teeth called plaque. This is due t the many types of food that cats eat with some of the s

Cat Diabetes and how to Care for them

Cat Diabetes and how to Care for them Cat care and diabetes go hand in hand to ensure that your pet cat can live an otherwise more normal life than usual. It may be unfortunate for pet cats to have their own version of diabetes, also a serious affliction among humans. It is also important for pet owners to know how feline diabetes affects cats and how they can help make life better for their pets by learning how to better care for them. There are two types of feline diabetes that may affect your pet cats. Type 1 is caused by an insufficient production of insulin while type 2 diabetes is characterized by the inability of the cat's body to process insulin more effectively. And just like in humans, diabetes can also strike cats at any age but is more likely to affect older cats. There is also a secondary feline diabetes that can be caused by drugs or by some diseases that may impair the natural processing of insulin in the body.  Cats also display symptoms that may tell veterinarians

Caring For Persian Cats

Caring For Persian Cats These days, Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat.  Well known for their gentle and sweet personalities and their long hair, Persian cats have very attractive features.  They are great companions for virtually anyone, and not very demanding.  Unlike other breeds, such as the Siamese breed, Persian breeds need very little attention. Although white is the color normally associated with Persian cats, they actually come in a variety of other colors as well.  During competitions, they are divided into seven color divisions – solid, silver and gold, tabby, shaded and smoke, particolor, bicolor, and Himalayan.  No matter what color of Persian cat it may be, they are best noticed during competitions by their long and flowing coats.   Persian cats should always be kept inside of the house, to protect their coat.  If they travel outside, they can easily damage their coat.  They will also need to be brushed daily with a metal comb, or their coat can become