
Great Gifts For Cat Lovers

Great Gifts For Cat Lovers There are a lot of great gifts that you can give to cat lovers, although photo frames are among the most popular.  Photo frames are very affordable, and make a great gift for anyone who owns a cat or other pet.  Those who own more than one cat will truly appreciate photo frames – as it gives them a chance to show off their pet.  Cat lovers can also frame pictures of their pet for memories as well – and keep them forever and ever. Before you give a cat lover a gift, you should take into consideration what type of cat the person owns.  There are several breeds out there, including tabby, pure breeds, calico, Persian, and of course the infamous Siamese breeds.  Someone may own several cats as well, which is why you should know a little bit about the breed or breeds someone owns before you get them a gift. You should take into consideration whether or not the cat lover has an outdoor or indoor cat.  Cats, unlike dogs, are more than happy to spend all of their tim

Giving Your Cat A Pill

Giving Your Cat A Pill Giving a cat a pill can be a nightmare.  No cat wants something shoved down his throat, and he will fight you tooth and nail to prevent it. Although most cats are small in size, you’d be quite amazed with how much power they actually have.  There are ways that you can get your cat to take his pills, which we will cover below. The easiest way to give a cat pill is to crush the power into a powdery form by putting it between two spoons.  Once the pill is powder, mix it in with some wet cat food.  Cats that are used to eating dry cat food will see the wet food and think of it as a treat.  They will normally eat it up, unaware that they just took their medicine. If the medicine happens to be in capsule form, all you have to do is pry the capsule apart then sprinkle the medicine on some wet food and serve it to your pet.  If the food also contains the pill or if your pet is sick, chances are he won’t eat it.  In this event, you should look into a pet piller.  You can

Giving Your Cat Medication

Giving Your Cat Medication There are times in every cat’s life when he will need to take medication of some sort. Cat owners who have been through this know how hard it can be getting the cat to cooperate. Below are a few suggestions that may help in your endeavor. The first choice is to hide medication in some of your cat’s favorite food. This may not always be easy, as in the case of capsules or pills.  The cat’s keen sense of smell will also be a problem, so it is advisable to pick some of the smelliest food you can if you use this method.   Liquid medication works well mixed into food, especially salmon. The liquid mixes well with the oils and is almost undetectable by your cat.  If at all possible, ask your vet for medication in liquid form.   Crushing a pill or emptying a capsule into food is risky.  The taste and smell is often bitter and easily detectable by the cat.  If you must use this method, make sure whatever you use is sufficiently strong in both smell and taste.  It wil

When Kitty has the Flu

When Kitty has the Flu There are a number of medical conditions that affect your cat, and so having a vet that you can call for illnesses and injuries is best if you choose to keep a pet. Just like humans, cat can also get the flu. Flu in cats is due to an upper respiratory infection and can affect cats of any age, but is especially found in young or old cats. If you suspect that your cat has the flu, call your vet o get further instructions for nursing your cat back to health. The flu in a cat will look similar to the flu in a human. Depending on what agent is causing the flu, there are a wide range of symptoms and severities. Major signs that your cat has the flu includes inflammation around the eyes and nose, discharge from the nose, a raised temperature, weakness and loss of appetite, sneezing, and coughing. It is important to get treatment for your cat immediately so that your cat is not left with chronic diseases. Your doctor cannot cure the flu, as is also true for humans, bu

Feline Leukemia Virus Disease: A Major Threat to your Cat

Feline Leukemia Virus Disease: A Major Threat to your Cat Just like in humans, cats can develop very deadly medical conditions. One of the most common and fatal kinds of disease a cat can contract is feline leukemia virus disease, known as FeLV. Leukemia, which is also found in humans, is a disease of the white blood cells. There are three major types of this leukemia. Today, we can protect our cats for FeLV with a vaccine, so it is important to have your pet up-to-date with medical care at all times.  With FeLV, there are three disease categories. The first are the leukemias, which are similar to what leukemia is like in humans. This is cancer of the white blood cells. However, not all FeLV diseases are cancer. Lymphosarcoma is the second category. Also cancerous, this disease begins in the lymphoid tissue around the lymph nodes. It affects the intestinal tract, kidneys, liver, spine, brain, blood, and bone marrow. The third category is the non-cancerous diseases that fall under the u

Feeding Your Cat: Dos and Don’ts

Feeding Your Cat: Dos and Don’ts Food for cats is of course one of the most important needs of cats and it has to be provided by the owner. I think everyone agrees that this is the number one need of animals like cats and the kind of food you feed them would also reflect the nutritional contents of the food intake. We have to feed our pets with the most nutritious food so that they would be able to grow well and be free from possible sickness. There are guidelines to remember like giving a balanced-diet to your cat and as much as possible do not run out of drinking water. What then are those other reminders?  Those tips that would let us overcome wrong feeding of cats? - Avoid giving to cats meals that include By-products," "meat and/or bone meal," "animal digest," most other descriptions including "digest" or "meal," and added sugars. These won’t be good for them and would be of no use for them too. - Do not give food that includes corn mea

Facts about Cats: Do you know this and that?

Facts about Cats: Do you know this and that? Cats are very interesting members of the animal kingdom. Some of them stay wild in the thick forests while some of them stay tamed in our homes. Wherever they are, cats are very interesting and they possess really exquisite characteristics. How much do you know about cats? Well, we hope top add more information to you: - Did you know that cats could see 6 times better than human beings? Yes, according to studies, it is during night time when cats could really see more than we could. - Anywhere in the world, cats are existent from steaming Africa to icy cool Greenland; you could surely find them in different corners of the world. They may have varied looks or characteristics by counting in the different factors.  - Just like dogs, cats could swim it just so happened that they are not into it that much. - An eighteen-hour sleep is achievable by cats in hot countries. These areas include desert-like areas and in some angles, the tropics. - Ther

Does Your Cat Have an Allergy?

Does Your Cat Have an Allergy? When a cat is allergic to something, common indications will be itchy skin, coughing and/or sneezing, or vomiting or diarrhea in the case of a digestive allergy. Allergies to fleas, foods, things inhaled, or something they have come in contact with are the most likely allergies in cats. Contact allergies generally result in a fairly localized reaction on the skin. The cat may scratch a lot or there may be an indication of irritation at the place of contact. Most common causes of contact allergies in cats would obviously be items with which they come in close contact such as flea collars, bedding, toys, etc. The simplest cure is to remove the contact.  Flea allergies are very common in cats. A normal cat may simply bite or scratch for a while and then go on to other things, but a cat with a flea allergy may scratch, chew, and worry at the spot until large amounts of fur are lost. Inhalant types of allergies are probably the most common in cats. Your cat ca

Disease watch and how to get rid of them

Disease watch and how to get rid of them Cats are also vulnerable to some common sickness. As a cat owner, it is necessary that you observe the health of your pet. It does really matter. Just like us, cats would surely have these phases of their lives when they would get sick or show signs of weak health. When this happens to your pet, you have to be ready and you have to do what is indeed helpful for it. There are different health problems common in cats and they are as follows: Diarrhea When your cat has diarrhea for a consistent number of times, do not be alarmed. The first thing you need to do is change the diet. When you know what your cat likes to eat, you better give it to him or she for it would surely help. When there is still a continuous diarrhea, it would be best to bring your pet to a veterinarian.  Diabetes Not only common to people, but also to cats. This occurs when a cat becomes            aged. The more it grows old, the more it must stay at home. You have to watch it

Diabetes: Could it be Affecting your Cat?

Diabetes: Could it be Affecting your Cat? Cats and humans may not look much alike, but remember, both are mammals. Therefore, there are a number of diseases, disorders, and other medical conditions found in humans that are also found in cats. One such disease is diabetes. If you believe that your cat may have diabetes, it is important to talk to your cat’s vet as soon as possible so that your cat can get the right medical treatment needed. There are two types of diabetes in cats, just like in humans. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the insufficient production of insulin in the cat’s body. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is when a cat develops intolerance for handling the insulin. In both cases, diabetes can develop in cats of any age, but it is more common for cats that are old, male, or obese. There is what is known as secondary diabetes as well, in which a drug or disease causes diabetes, sometimes forever and sometimes for a certain period of time. When caring for your cat, ther

Deworming Multiple Cats

Deworming Multiple Cats Ah yes, everyone's favorite pet chore. One day you clean your cats' box and discover little white chunks of what appear to be cooked spaghetti lodged in the feces, that is, until one starts to move. You know then that it's time to deworm your cats. If your veterinarian says that your cat doesn't have anything particularly tough or nasty then he or she may recommend a regular schedule using commercial dewormers that can be found readily in any pet store. Your veterinarian even may have a good general purpose dewormer on hand for your use. Fortunately, there is a wide range of deworming medicines available on the market. Most are liquid or pill form. If you have only one cat, your task is relatively simple. Choose a dewormer that your cat will find acceptable if not palatable. Many liquid dewormers claim to be very tasty to cats. Unfortunately, many cats would vigorously disagree with that assessment.  In such a case, if you have access to a pill f

Taking Kitty to the Dentist

Taking Kitty to the Dentist It is important for you to go to the dentist at least annually for checkups. This is, however, also important to your cat! Many people never think about it, but good dental health can keep your cat happy and disease-free. Whenever your cat goes to the vet, make sure that dental health is checked and discussed, and if your cat is acting strangely at all, especially with eating habits, make sure that dental health problems are not a concern.  Kittens, like baby humans, have fewer teeth than adult cats. Each kitten has 26 temporary teeth, which begin to appear at about three weeks of age. An adult cat will have 30 permanent teeth—16 on the top and 14 on the bottom. A cat usually begins getting his or her permanent teeth when he or she is three of four months old. Some of these teeth have two roots while others have three.  The most common dental diseases found in cats are resporption lesions and gum disease (gingivitis). Resorption lesions are also known as cer

Dealing With Cat Allergies

Dealing With Cat Allergies Cats are one of the most loved pets in the world, no question about it.  More than 50% of all households in the United States own dogs and cats.  Although cats are loved animals, cat allergies are one of the common forms of allergies.  Statistics in the past have shown that over 10 million people in the U.S. alone have allergic reactions to cats - especially their fur. The biggest cause of cat allergies is dander.  The dander, is dust that is produced by the body of the cat.  Dander is basically shed skin that comes off of cats, normally in the form of small flakes.  Although dander can irritate your skin, it can also get into your immune system as well, resulting in a variety of symptoms and almost immediate allergic reactions. The dander, once in the immune system, is perceived to be a threat.  Even though it isn’t classified as a disease, it’s more of a reflex by your body and your immune system.  Cat allergies occur quite often due to cats having allergen

Curing Bad Cat Breath

Curing Bad Cat Breath Cat owners know for a fact that bad cat breath can be downright awful.  It isn’t that much different from bad human breath, as both are caused by bacteria found in the mouth that breaks protein down and releases the sulfur compounds out into the air.  Sulfur smells really bad on its own, which is why breath containing it smells bad as well.  The bacterium that causes bad breath with cats is normally associated with a buildup of tartar around the teeth.  Tartar is yellow in color, known as a coating of bacteria, food, and minerals. To cure your cat from bad breath, you’ll need to remove the buildup of tartar.  There are several cat foods out there that are designed to reduce the buildup of tartar, many containing enzymes that will literally dissolve it.  You can also give your cat treats as well, as many of them will help eliminate and prevent tartar.  If the buildup of tartar is bad, you may need to have your cat’s teeth professionally cleaned.  Once the tartar ha

Common Health Problems Of Cats

Common Health Problems Of Cats If you are new to owning a cat, you may be surprised to find that health problems are a common thing.  No matter what breed of cat you own, health problems are to be expected.  Some may be hereditary, while others can easily be prevented. Worms No matter what breed of cat it may be, worms are a very common and recurring problem.  Tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms are among the most common that infect cats.  Cats who have problems gaining weight, problems with fleas, or if you find white specks in his stool, you should have your vet test him for worms.  Although they can be treated with medicine, worms can prove to be fatal if they are left untreated. Hairball Hairballs are the most common health problem for cats.  All cats groom themselves on a daily basis, normally swallowing the loose hair that comes from their coats.  On occasion, this loose hair will gather into a ball and become lodged in the digestive tract instead of passing through in your cat’